There are volumes of local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and ordinances that impact environmental protection. Usually, businesses impacted by them complain they go too far, and that compliance is too difficult and expensive. Those supporting these laws may complain they don’t go far enough, allow too much pollution, and aren’t enforced often enough. The truth may be somewhere in the middle.
Environmental protection laws may ban the release of certain substances, but they often just limit the release or require a potential polluter to go through a licensing process before a substance is released. There are thousands of substances used in modern society. Environmental laws cover only a fraction of them according to our friends at Focus Law LA.
Air Pollution
Air pollution is the world’s fourth-largest contributor to early deaths. The 2020 State of Global Air report states that 4.5 million deaths were related to outdoor air pollution in 2019, with another 2.2 million caused by polluted indoor air.
Laws regulating US air pollution are primarily designed to protect public health and the environment by controlling emissions from various sources. According to a business litigation lawyer, the main federal law addressing air pollution is the Clean Air Act, which was first enacted in 1963 and has been amended several times. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for implementing and enforcing the provisions of the Clean Air Act.
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Water Pollution
Water pollution can significantly affect the environment and human health. Contaminated water sources can cause many health problems when individuals are exposed to polluted water through consumption, recreational activities, or contact with contaminated substances. Pollution-related health conditions can arise almost immediately after contact or take years of repeated exposure to develop.
Laws covering US water pollution seek to protect water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and public health. Water pollution is an important issue when what’s being discharged directly or indirectly reaches drinking water supplies or sensitive bodies of water. Several federal laws provide a framework for controlling water pollution, and they empower the EPA to establish regulations and oversee enforcement.
Solid Waste Disposal
Improper or inadequate solid waste disposal practices can have significant adverse effects on public health. Solid waste could be refused from any source. It can include garbage from your kitchen, rotted food from a grocery store, outdated smartphones, medical waste that could spread contagious diseases, or toxic sludge from a factory.
Failure to properly manage this material can result in water and air pollution, the spread of vermin, and unsightly piles of garbage in public places. But if regulations are too strict, proper waste disposal becomes more expensive and more people may be willing to illegally dump solid waste, causing greater environmental problems.
Solid waste disposal in the US is regulated through a combination of federal, state, and local laws. They are designed to manage and control the generation, handling, transportation, and disposal of solid waste to protect public health and the environment. Enforcement of these laws involves regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local levels.
These agencies issue permits, conduct inspections, monitor compliance, and may take enforcement actions against violators. Waste management facilities, transporters, and generators must adhere to the applicable regulations to minimize environmental and public health risks associated with solid waste disposal.
Most of us go about our day without much thought to the waste we put into the air, water, and land. Without environmental protection laws, our pollution problems might be too serious to ignore.
If you are facing an EPA related case, contact a lawyer near you for help.
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Case Evaluation form