Virginia Estate Lawyers
Whether you realize it or not, you have an estate. It does not matter if you only own a few things and have a little in your savings, as all belongings and property must go somewhere in the event of your passing. The attorneys at MartinWren, P.C. believe that creating an estate plan is a great way for people to choose how they want their estate to be handled after passing on. Sadly, those who do not create this impactful set of documents before departure, may then have their estate handled based on state laws. The idea of an estate being handled by the government may be scary for many, and can be a huge motivator to finally getting started on an estate plan.
Where to Begin
Here at MartinWren, P.C., we understand that you may be confused on what exactly an estate plan does and how to get started. We have provided some information here about estate planning, but would love to schedule you an appointment to talk about the future of your legacy during an in-person consultation. The first meeting regarding your estate planning is completely free, so consider giving our legal services a try!
Organizing Your Records
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Creating an estate plan can help you organize titles, financial records, beneficiary lists, life insurance policies and other key documents that can be useful to family members after your passing. Keeping these documents in a safe yet accessible place, can help prevent your family from the frustration of not being able to find what they need for your estate. By doing some compiling now of your estate, it can make things go much smoother for your family and will executor.
One Step at a Time
Remember to start small, as the idea of completing an estate plan can seem daunting. An attorney at MartinWren, P.C. can offer advice as you begin writing an estate plan. Most people start by creating a list of beneficiaries and a list of assets. Then, you can more easily match the assets of your estate with specific beneficiaries.
Planning Now for the Future
One of the most challenging aspects of estate planning can be having to think about what you would like to happen after you are no longer here with those you care so much about. Processing the concept of mortality can be understandably bothersome for many of our clients. We will do our best to provide guidance as you go through the steps of estate planning. No matter how much is in your estate currently, the best time to start organizing things for the future is now.
Our team of legal professionals at MartinWren, P.C. not only became attorneys as a career path, but as a way to give back to our community too. We take pride in helping people plan for the future of their families, and have dedicated our practice to offering legal services for many years. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation!
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Case Evaluation form