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If you are the victim of debt collection harassment, you can rely on a bankruptcy lawyer for help stopping such behavior in its tracks. Anyone who is being hounded by debt collection phone calls several times a day, has had their loved ones and employer contacted, or otherwise endured threats and abusive language, must take action right away. Frankly, such behavior may be in violation of your rights, both on the state and federal level.
People who are plagued by unlawful debt collection harassment may endure unnecessary pressure, and feel defeated as they cannot escape pestering phone calls. Here we have provided tips for how to get deal with such relentlessness:
Stay Calm
Receiving an aggressive phone call from a debt collection agency can be a terrifying experience. When dealing with debt collectors, it is smart to take the high road and remain calm. The debt collector may make it seem like you must pay a certain amount immediately or certain actions will be taken against you. In many cases, these are empty threats that have no substance whatsoever.
Debt collectors can be serious bullies, who use intimidation and other threats particularly when the debtor doesn’t understand his or her rights. Don’t forget that collection calls are commonly recorded too, so the more professional you come off the sillier the caller looks for being hostile.
Maintain Records
Debt collectors may call you and send letters in the mail regarding your debts. Keep a record for all correspondence you receive from the debt collection agency. Also, track what time and how frequently the agency calls you throughout the day. With help from a bankruptcy lawyer such as Oklahoma City Bankruptcy Attorney, action can be taken against debt collectors who call earlier than 8am, after 9pm, or during hours that you have expressed are intrusive.
Request Debt Verification
Be wary of debt collection agencies who aren’t who they say they are. You can request that your debts are verified before you continue speaking with the supposed debt collector. To help decrease your chances of being part of a scam, ask for that person’s name, the company name, customer service number, and address. You can then compare this information with your records to confirm you aren’t being deceived. Keep in mind that after the first time a debt collector calls you, they have five days to send you a follow up letter about the debts. In this letter, they must provide these details:
- Name of original creditor that you owe the debt to
- The amount of debt accrued
- A statement that you have 30 days to reply with a dispute
Professional bankruptcy lawyers understand how stressful it can be to receive constant calls regarding your debts. Don’t be led astray by unlawful scare tactics. Contact your local lawyer for help to put an end to any illegal behavior on behalf of the debt collection company. Even though you may owe certain debts, you don’t deserve to be harassed.