Dangers Created by Winter Weather in Virginia
Winter storms may now be ‘old news’ for many of those who have waded through several feet of snowfall on the eastern seaboard’s mid-Atlantic area, but analysts and some industries are still looking at how these storms impacted states like Pennsylvania and Virginia, and how emergency management businesses handled this unprecedented cluster of winter weather.
Local Charlottesville, Virginia news affiliate WVIR 29 posted a story in mid-February about the American Automobile Association, or AAA, and how that company geared up for high volumes of calls in the wake of winter storms. It’s a telling example of the different outcomes that follow in the aftermath of regional storms and other kinds of crisis events.
AAA Management Protocol
In anticipating heavy storm volume, AAA put out warning notices to customers that some kinds of calls may not be answered in emergency situations. A company spokesperson said AAA hardly ever limits their call responses, but experienced the highest call volume on record in the month of January. That led AAA to change its game over the short-term, in preparing for what all of us experienced as an unusually challenging winter. And this is what risk factors like dangers created by winter weather require from all of us: change, and a willingness to predict dangers, to prepare for them and to avoid negative results.
Winter Storms and Personal Injury Situations
Local Virginia personal injury lawyers in places like Charlottesville, Virginia understand that problems with winter storms generally cause some kinds of personal injury rates to go up in a local community. From different kinds of auto accidents where inclement weather played a factor, to slip and fall incidents on icy walkways or sidewalks, residents experience unique dangers in icy, snowy weather that they wouldn’t otherwise.
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In looking at some kinds of personal injury situations, Virginia personal injury lawyers will evaluate how businesses or local governments prepared for the storms. Did the injury victim’s municipality craft their safety practices to the season the way that AAA did? Did local businesses provide their own safeguards in public spaces? Did neglect or inadequate public safety contribute to a collision or other impact that caused harm? Legal professionals will look at all of these questions in doing fact-finding around various kinds of personal injury experienced by their clients. It’s just one example of how injury victims with qualified, experienced representation are more likely to get quicker and more equitable payouts from insurance companies or other parties to fund treatment and recovery more adequately, and without a lot of stalling or barriers to settlement.
Getting Legal Assistance in Charlottesville, Virginia
Local residents who have been harmed in any kind of accident can get qualified advice from Virginia personal injury lawyers at MartinWren, PC. We have experience advising local injury victims according to federal, state and local law, and helping them to secure compensation for their injuries. Let us help you to assess a personal injury case to provide for the costs and hardships of recovery. Please call us at (434) 817-3100 to let us help you.
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