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A divorce can be one of the most stressful and emotionally draining times of your life. While stress can cause some people to lose their appetite, it can have the opposite effect in others. Some people may start to eat more junk food to deal with all the stress and end up gaining weight because of it. If you’re currently going through a divorce and noticing that your pants are getting tighter, there are some things you can do to nip it in the bud.
Don’t Keep Junk Food in the House
Whenever you’re feeling stressed or bummed out about your divorce, it can be very tempting to go into your freezer and eat ice cream. That’s why it’s best to not have junk food in your house at all. If you don’t have it in your refrigerator, you won’t eat it when you’re stressed out. Instead, fill your refrigerator, with all healthy foods, like apples, carrots, tomatoes, and pineapple. If you’re drying for a snack, you can at least eat something that’s good for you.
Get More Sleep
When you’re stressed about your divorce, it may be more difficult to get eight hours of sleep every night. However, inadequate sleep can cause changes to hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, increasing your risk of weight gain. Even though getting enough sleep may seem difficult sometimes, it’s necessary to make the effort. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages in the evening and try to do something relaxing before bedtime. For example, you could do some yoga or take a warm bath an hour before you go to bed.
Do Exercises You Enjoy
The thought of exercising might not sound appealing when you’re going through a divorce. You’re already so busy dealing with other issues that you don’t think you’ll have time for regular exercise. However, exercise is very important for keeping off the weight. Plus, working out doesn’t have to be something you dread. If you look into workouts that you’ll enjoy, you’ll be more likely to stick to an exercise program. For example, if you like dancing, see if your local gym offer group fitness dance classes, like Zumba.
Talk to a Nutritionist
If you’re having trouble getting your eating habits under control, consider meeting with a nutritionist. This professional can assess your current diet and make suggestions on how you can improve your eating habits.
See a Mental Health Professional
It may also be helpful to talk to a mental health professional. He or she can help you come to terms with the emotional issues you’re dealing with from the divorce. A mental health therapist can also suggest healthy ways to cope with stress so that you don’t turn to food.