Should You Meet With a Car Accident Lawyer?
If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a car crash or tractor trailer accident, you are likely contemplating your options. Among them, you are likely wondering whether you should speak with a lawyer about the collisions and the injuries you sustained. There are certain things you can expect if you are meeting with a car accident lawyer.
Here are a few things to consider as you are going through your options following a car accident case that caused injuries.
First, meeting with an experienced, knowledgeable, and honest attorney can help you make the best decisions about how you can proceed. Such an attorney can help you cut through the confusion about everything that has happened and that is going to happen. In addition to explaining what type of compensation you might be entitled to from your crash, an experienced and knowledgeable attorney can help you understand the insurance issues you face, the injuries you have and medical treatment you’ll need, and the steps you will need to take to get the compensation you deserve.
Second, speaking with an attorney about the collision and your injuries can provide many benefits without having to incur any costs. Just about every personal injury lawyer or firm who handles car crash cases offers free consultations. Not only is the consultation free, there is no obligation to having a consultation. In other words, you can treat a free consultation like a test drive of a law firm. If you do not like the feel of your consultation or feel that the process would not be worth it, you do not need to proceed with it. Even then, the consultation is free and the information you exchange with the law firm will remain confidential.
That makes getting a consultation risk free, cost free, and essentially consequence free.
For a legal consultation with a personal injury lawyer, call 434-817-3100
What Can you Do To Prepare for a Consultation?
Our experienced car accident lawyers at MartinWren, P.C. have found that consultations tend to be the most helpful and productive for car accident victims when the accident victims do some things to prepare in advance. Think of it this way: every car crash and legal case is different, and each person could be impacted in a unique way. Because of that, you want to have legal advice that applies to you and your specific legal situation. The best way to make sure that happens is by making sure you give the attorney specific information about you and your case.
There are various types of information that can be helpful for an initial consultation with a lawyer following a car accident. Let’s use the example of a collision where another driver hits your vehicle from behind, causing a rear-end collision. The lawyer can provide a general explanation of why the driver who was behind you is at fault for the crash that occurred. But you bringing a copy of the police crash report can shed some valuable light on the identity of the defendant (such as whether corporation like Amazon could be involved), the conditions of the road and weather at the time of the crash, and other details that can be important to your case.
Other helpful information can include a list of symptoms you experienced since the crash, photographs of any injuries (including any that may have healed), photographs of damage to the vehicles or of the accident scene, your past medical history and whether these injuries are only from this crash or if they may have made worse, and your insurance information.
Now this list is very daunting and will likely include some things that will arise only after you are engaged in the legal process to get a settlement or verdict. But these do provide insights into information that you can review and bring with you to get the best insight and most information as part of your free consultation.
Many people have reported that it was helpful to them to write down their questions and concerns before they meet with us. Doing so allowed them to focus on the meeting itself and to have a worthwhile exchange with the attorney. It will also ensure that you cover all of the bases that you would like to have addressed. Thinking of questions in advance will be helpful because it will best position you to make the most out of your consultation.
If you attend your consultation with specific questions, a copy of the police crash report, and photos from the accident scene, you’ll find that the attorney you discuss the case with will provide legal advice and information that is specific for your particular situation. And having that specific information will give you the most confidence as you assess your options, it will give you a head start on gathering the information you will need to resolve your claims, and it will provide comfort and confidence that you are in the best position to make a good decision about the best way forward for you in your claim.
Our Attorneys Offer Free Consultations
Our attorneys at MartinWren, P.C. have helped hundreds of injured parties receive many millions of dollars. We will tell you right now that we are not the best attorney for every personal injury case that happens. For example, we are not a law firm that handles a large volume of low value cases. Because of that, we will not sacrifice the value of your claim for speed. If speed is your objective and you are willing to collect less to move more quickly, we will not be the best law firm to handle your claim. But we will still be happy to meet with you to discuss your case and your options for proceeding.
Whether the injuries you are experiencing were caused by another car or even a commercial truck crashing into your vehicle, we have vast experience providing help. We have been recognized by Virginia Lawyers Weekly for receiving some of the largest verdicts and settlements in Virginia. We would be happy to bring that same focus, dedication, and compassion to helping you if you have been injured in a crash.
Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Case Evaluation form