The force with which two objects strike one another depends largely on the mass and speed of each. Compared to a person on a bicycle, a motor vehicle tends to have a huge advantage in both respects. If you survive a crash on your bike with a car or truck with no serious injuries, then you can consider yourself very lucky.
Nevertheless, it is a good idea to have a medical evaluation as soon as possible after your crash to check for any serious injury. It can sometimes take a while for symptoms to develop. Sometimes the pain from an injury is there but you don’t feel it right away because your system is flooded with adrenaline that masks it. An examination in the emergency room, at an urgent care, or at the scene of the accident may be able to identify serious injuries before they have a chance to worsen.
1. Skin Abrasion
Bicyclists sometimes refer to abrasions more colloquially as “road rash.” An abrasion is an injury to the skin that occurs from scraping over a rough surface, such as pavement. Road rash may not seem serious, but small particles of debris can get trapped in the skin as a result. These can cause infection if the abrasion is not treated.
2. Internal Bleeding
A traumatic impact can cause damage to blood vessels and other structures inside your body that can lead to internal bleeding. Signs of internal bleeding include swelling of the affected area or unusual bruising patterns known as ecchymosis. Internal bleeding can be dangerous for a number of reasons. It can decrease the amount of blood in circulation, which can throw the body into shock. As the blood gathers in a body cavity, it can also put pressure on other parts of the body, which can lead to more damage.
3. Central Nervous System Injuries
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The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain controls all your body functions, both those you control and those you cannot. The spinal cord transmits messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Damage to either of these structures can result in paralysis or motor dysfunction. Because nerve tissue is so highly specialized, it does not regenerate the way other tissues do, meaning that the damage could be permanent. A traumatic brain injury can also cause problems with speech, thought, or many other functions.
Even if you feel okay after a bike accident, there is no harm in having an evaluation to be sure, and it could potentially save your life.
If you or a loved one was involved in a bike crash due to someone else’s fault, contact our experienced bike accident attorneys today for a free consultation.
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Case Evaluation form