It does not matter the reason why you get pulled over by a police officer, but if that just so happens to happen to you, it can be a scary situation. It is even more scary when you are pulled over by a police officer for driving under the influence, even if you weren’t driving under the influence of alcohol at all. Whenever you are pulled over by a police officer for driving under the influence, they may ask you to step out of your vehicle and ask that you take a field sobriety test or take a breathalyzer. Most people either don’t have the knowledge or are scared to refuse to do any of the tests that the police officer may ask for you to do. Instead, you can tell the police officer that you would like to take a blood alcohol content (BAC) test. A person who isn’t under the influence of alcohol or drugs can shockingly still fail a breathalyzer or field sobriety test for a numerous amount of reasons. There is a chance that you are so frightened to be coupled over by a police officer that while you are doing the field sobriety test, you trip up while walking on the line. Or you may stutter while attempting to say the letters of the alphabet backwards, which can be especially hard if you have never attempted to say the alphabet backwards before. If you choose to take a blood alcohol content test, it can let law enforcement know exactly what you have in your system, making it the most legit test to take if you are ever pulled over for driving under the influence. You can fail a field sobriety test just because a police officer supposedly saw something, or one police officer can say that you passed the test, or if there are two police officers at the scene, one can say that you passed and the other can say that they saw something wrong, as a car accident lawyer in Virginia, like from MartinWren, P.C., can explain.
Law enforcement officers are usually trying to do a few things, enforce the law or uphold the law. Always keep this in mind. In many cases no matter what you say or do, they are trying only to arrest someone for something. It is always advised to avoid driving when under the influence of any drug or alcohol. However, in the event that it happens you will likely need an attorney and when you are stopped by police.
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