Sometimes your child’s love for the game can be so intense that they are willing to die for it. This is nothing to happy about, but physical sports can be equally lucrative and deadly. The last thing any parent or guardian would want to see when they attend a football game to watch their child play their favorite sport is their child getting knocked down and not coming back up, ever again.
Several student-athletes suffer from concussions while playing physical sports. A student can suffer a concussion sometimes and not know. While several schools have certain conditions set up that will help parents and students understand when a player can return to the game, sometimes a child can never return.
There have been cases where return to play rules were not implemented and a child has been injured or worse killed playing the sport. While schools typically have parents sign a “waiver” that allow their child to play, and informs parents they that cannot pursuit a lawsuit in the event a child is injured, there are some stipulations that would still be hold the school liable. In these cases, depending upon the school, a parent can seek a personal injury claim for their child’s injury or death.
For a legal consultation with a personal injury lawyer, call 434-817-3100
Much like any other personal injury case, it is common for a parent to seek financial compensation. Parent may file a lawsuit for damages like medical bills, EMS bills, any treatment in a hospital, and rehabilitation. Due to the intensity of some sports, the injuries can be permanent or take much time to heal, and for this parents are able to seek financial compensation that would cover any future medical costs also.
Liable parties in instances such as these include teachers, coaches, and the school administration. There are even certain circumstances that will make the school district accountable depending on the amount of negligence that occurred. Because so many people can play a hand in school sport injury cases, it is imperative that you find a skilled personal injury attorney that understands the extremity of your case. Knowledgeable personal injury attorneys will be able review the details of your case, refer you to the best care, and negotiate with insurance companies and your child’s school about the best solution available to you. These cases can be very life changing and for that reason alone, the personal injury attorney you hire to help you is most important.
Contact our personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation.
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Case Evaluation form