Amid the ongoing activities surrounding the heartbreaking case of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham’s disappearance, members of the family are expressing gratitude for the work of the local Charlottesville Police Department and Chief Timothy Longo.
In the weeks since the UVA student went missing September 13, police have been trying to handle the case with care, including looking at a “person of interest” in what is currently an open case. In a letter in the Daily Progress, the father of the missing student commends Chief Longo for “passion and purpose; his articulate, well-considered, forceful and humane words.”
Public Leaders and Public Safety
Even in the worst kinds of challenges that a community can face, public leaders with positive images provide help to those whom they serve to connect and work toward resolution. This is true in many different kinds of cases, and it is something that is evident to not only the first responders and public planners who administrate, but to other professionals such as personal injury lawyers who work toward their own goals from different vantage points.
It is evident to experienced attorneys and other legal professionals that the outlook and leadership of law enforcement and municipal leaders makes a big difference in all sorts of cases where a family seeks protection from the law and assistance from a legal system. What those in power do, including municipal leaders and the heads of police departments, sets the stage for resolution and sets a tone for how a community handles adversity. The right kind of leadership considers the safety and care of local residents; the wrong kind of leadership often fans the flames of contention, whether it is through negligence and inattention to public safety, or even callous comments and mentalities that show a disregard for the citizens whom appointed and elected public officials serve.
Virginia Personal Injury Lawyers: Standing with Families
For a free legal consultation, call 434-817-3100
Like public leaders, local law firms stand with families as they struggle with events and circumstances beyond their control. The guidance that these firms give is different, essentially based on the needs of the clients they represent and on the realities of bringing injury or wrongful death cases through local courts. Through it all, a qualified and dedicated firm will keep clients informed, listen to what they say and work closely with them from the beginning to the end. At its core, the work that these Virginia personal injury lawyers and other local attorneys do is based on empathy for clients, on respect for what they have gone through and on a relentless effort to help them access their rights after a tragic event has rocked their families.
Those seeking justice for family members in Virginia communities can rely on the Virginia personal injury lawyers at MartinWren, P.C. to assist in evaluating claims and bringing them forward according to a client’s rights under the law. Call to get more information about how this process works in the state of Virginia.
Call 434-817-3100 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form