A Roundup lawyer Charlottesville, VA community members rely on from MartinWren, P.C. has represented clients who were harmed due to Roundup, which is the most frequently used weed killer in Virginia and across the country. This type of weed killer has been linked to cases of cancer, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Despite awareness and lawsuits regarding its devastating effects, companies who use the active ingredient glyphosate still claim it is not a human carcinogen. Roundup is the most commonly utilized weed killer across the globe. And, millions of pounds of glyphosate are used on growing crops every single year. If you’ve been exposed to Roundup and suffered health issues as a result, it’s important to contact a Charlottesville product liability lawyer to discuss your legal options.
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Roundup and Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has studied Roundup and its ingredients and has determined that the chemical is likely carcinogenic. It has been linked to cancers of the lymphatic system and is particularly prevalent among gardeners and agricultural laborers. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer after utilizing Roundup, we urge you to contact us because you may have a case to receive compensation.
There is no obligation or pressure to hire a Charlottesville, Virginia Roundup lawyer to represent you, as the consultations are simply to help you become aware of your options and whether your circumstances warrant a lawsuit. After getting your questions answered, we can help you from there by pursuing legal action is what you decide to do. We strongly believe in holding the companies who use Roundup responsible for the tragic impacts it has had on consumers. We are prepared to fight and are not intimidated to go up against a big company.
What In Roundup Causes Cancer?
While nothing is definitive, Roundup products, which are herbicides that contain the chemical glyphosate, are associated with cancer. Glyphosate is used in herbicides to control weeds, grasses, and has been the active ingredient in many herbicide products—including Roundup—since 1974 when it was first registered as a pesticide. It’s also commonly used in other countries around the world, and products containing this chemical may also be called weed killer.
Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide, and it cannot be used to kill specific weeds or plants, and actually kills most broad leaf plants in the area that it’s used in. It inhibits the action of a plant enzyme which plays a role in the synthesis of three amino acids that a plant needs to have to survive.
This product is absorbed into plants through their leaves, tiny amounts are absorbed through the roots. This is the only effective weed killer for killing grass, but it cannot stop seeds from germinating. Once this chemical is absorbed into the plant, it spreads all around the plant; to its roots, leaves and even to nearby plants.
So back to how this herbicide causes cancer. There have been various studies that link Roundup exposure to non-Hodgkin lymphoma in humans. These factors led to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, to classify this herbicide as a 2A carcinogen—or probable carcinogen. Association does not mean causation, but there is more research linking Roundup to cancer.
Roundup is actively used around GMO crops, among others. This means these crops are going out into stores and people may not be washing their food prior to eating it. Some of those crops are: soybean, corn, cotton, alfalfa, sugar beets. There’s a reason it’s so important to wash new clothes!
Human exposure to this herbicide have increased 500% when looking at people who are over the age of fifty—levels are indicated in their urine tests.
Scientists have further explored the idea that glyphosate is a carcinogen by looking at the effect it has on lymphocytes, or a type of white blood cell that was grown in a lab. They then evaluated the potential DNA damage, and other damage that occurs after this exposure.
This herbicide caused damage and changes to the DNA, that are seen with a chemotherapy drug. The acute change, while not necessarily harmful in and of itself, could be harmful if it is chronic in exposure. Not only that, but there are other studies where glyphosate is seen to damage chromosomes in the human cell which can trigger oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is a disturbance between the production of oxygen and antioxidant defenses. It can cause tissue damage, and other issues in the skin. Essentially you’re either getting too much oxygen or not enough, and it’s causing cells to have issues and even die.
If you think that your cancer or other illness is a result of Roundup contact, talk to a Roundup lawyer about your case and see if your medical history adds up. If it does, let them do the talking.
Charlottesville Roundup Accident Lawyer Near Me 434-817-3100
Symptoms of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Farmers, homeowners, landscapers, and gardeners are most vulnerable to Roundup exposure and developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The reason this type of cancer arises is due to too many abnormal white blood cells called lymphocytes being produced in the body. Both people and animals may have amounts of glyphosate in their system. Symptoms that a person may have non-Hodgkin lymphoma due to glyphosate exposure include:
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Chronic fatigue
- Night chills or sweats
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Abdominal pain
- Swollen belly
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Anemia
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Headaches
- Skin rashes
- Chest pain or pressure
- Difficulty with movement
If you or someone you know has these symptoms after using Roundup, we recommend visiting your doctor right away for an exam.
Who can you turn to?
We understand that when you have been injured while using Roundup, you want to speak with a Charlottesville, Virginia attorney as soon as possible. It is important to make sure the people who harmed you understand that what they did is wrong; that said, it is also important to ensure they do not continue to hurt other people by allowing the same product to be on the market. If you are interested in filing a Roundup lawsuit and would like to speak with an attorney who can guide you through the process and file on your behalf, contact our office now.
What are the steps to filing a Roundup Lawsuit?
After you believe using Roundup has made you ill, there are certain steps you must take to begin the lawsuit process.
- Work with an attorney. You are not obligated to work with an attorney to file a lawsuit. However, our team knows the details of these types of lawsuits and we are there to fight on your behalf so that you can receive the maximum compensation.
- You file a complaint. The next step is to file a complaint in court. This is not going to be the same process as filing criminal charges against someone. Instead, this type of lawsuit will be treated like a personal injury lawsuit. This means that the defendant owed you a duty of care (the company who makes Roundup) and they failed to maintain this duty. In doing so, you became injured.
- The defendant responds. Once you file a complaint, the defendant will have a certain amount of time to respond and both sides begin exchanging information. As each side begins presenting evidence, there will be opportunities to reach a settlement or to continue to trial.
- Settlement or Trial. If both parties can come to an agreement on compensation, a settlement can be reached. If, however, this cannot be done, you will proceed to trial.
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Why will an attorney be helpful?
Having an attorney on your side can be extremely helpful because that means they will have access to different medical experts who can help make your claim even stronger. This will allow you the opportunity to get the compensation you deserve from your lawsuit.
Call Our Office Today!
If you are interested in learning more about filing a Roundup lawsuit and would like to speak with our team, contact us at your earliest convenience.
Pain and Suffering
When an injured victim files a personal injury lawsuit against the party or parties that caused their injuries, there are different types of damages they can pursue financial compensation for. There are economic damages, including medical expenses for treatment of those injuries, loss of income and benefits from being unable to work while they recover from their injuries, and out-of-pocket expenses, such as transportation getting to and from medical appointments. Virginia injury law also allows victims to recoup damages from non-economic damages. One of the most common types of non-economic damages is pain and suffering. The following is a brief overview of pain and suffering damages. A roundup lawyer Charlottesville, VA clients recommend can provide more detail regarding your specific case.
What Is Pain and Suffering?
Pain and suffering in a personal injury lawsuit includes both the physical pain a victim deals with from their injuries, as well as emotional pain and suffering. A victim can receive financial compensation for both physical and emotional pain and suffering.
A Charlottesville, VA roundup lawyer understands that the physical pain a victim has from their injury is usually very obvious. The victim is usually limited to how much movement they are able to do with the injured part of the body and it isn’t usual to be able to visually notice when a victim is dealing with physical pain.
Emotional pain is not as evident as physical pain, but that does not make it any less impactful on a victim’s life. For example, a victim who has suffered several broken bones in a car accident could be dealing with the stress and anxiety of being unable to work and/or take care of their family and worried about the financial burdens their injuries are having.
How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated?
Economic damages in a personal injury lawsuit are easy to calculate. To determine what amount the victim should receive for medical expenses, their attorney just needs to add up the total amount of all their medical bills. The same applies to lost wages. But calculating pain and suffering is not as easy since there are no figures to add up to get to a total amount. Instead, the victim’s roundup lawyer in Charlottesville, VA will need to provide enough evidence to make that determination. Some of the different types of documentation and evidence the attorney may use include:
- The victim’s medical records: The victim’s medical records will show the severity of their injuries, as well as documenting the amount of pain and pain medication the victim was prescribed.
- Family and friends: The attorney can also use the testimony of the victim’s family and friends to verify the pain the victim endured, the impact that pain had on the victim’s daily life, and verify any emotional impact the pain and injuries had on the victim.
- Journal or diary: Many attorneys recommend their clients keep a journal or diary while they are recovering in order to document how they are feeling and how their injuries are affecting them.
- Photos and videos: Another way an attorney can show the impact of pain and suffering of a victim is by using photos and videos of the victim from both before and after the accident.
- Medical experts: Medical experts can also testify as to what kind of physical pain is often caused by the types of injuries the victim has sustained.
- Counselor: If the victim is working with or has worked with a counselor following the accident, the counselor can testify as to the emotional impact the injuries are having or have had on the victim, like anxiety and depression.
Contact MartinWren, P.C. Today
When it comes to legal services, we set the bar high. Our clients are our top priority and we can fight relentlessly on their behalf. We have seen just how terrible a person’s life can be impacted because of this dangerous chemical. Let us help you hold the offending companies responsible for continually using a product that they know is risky for consumers. Call MartinWren, P.C. today to speak with a Roundup lawyer in Charlottesville, Virginia about how we can provide assistance.
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