What to Do After a Car Accident
You probably learned what to do after a car accident when you first received your driver’s license. After all, it is something we will all have to deal with at some point in our lives. However, it is a good idea to refresh your memory once in a while.
The rush of adrenaline resulting from a car accident can make it difficult to recall details. In fact, some people keep a list or guide like this in their car to refer to in case of an accident. It is important to know what to do at the scene of an accident and after leaving the scene.
What to Do at the Scene
The first thing to do at the scene of an accident is to determine whether you or anyone else is hurt. If someone is seriously hurt, you should call 911 for an ambulance. If injuries are minor, you may be able to treat them yourself with a first aid kit.
Nevertheless, calling 911 is still the quickest way to get in contact with the police and summon them to the scene. Also, injuries may be more serious than they appear at first, so it is appropriate to contact emergency services after a car accident.
If it is possible to move your car, you may want to drive it off to the side to avoid another accident. On the other hand, if it is possible that a vehicular crime has taken place, you should preserve the scene as it is for investigation. Use your best judgment based on the circumstances.
Gather as much information about the accident as you can before the police arrive.
This involves talking to the other driver to obtain information, but don’t try to discuss fault for the accident. You can also talk to witnesses and take pictures of the scene. Once authorities get there, give them a statement that they can use in a report later.
What to Do Once Cleared to Leave the Scene
The police may offer to transport you to the emergency room for medical evaluation and treatment. Even if you do not feel that your condition is an emergency, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident.
If it turns out that you’re not seriously hurt, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are okay. If you are, your prognosis is typically better if you get treatment right away.
Once you get home, you should inform your insurance company of the accident to help you start a claim. You may also want to contact a car accident lawyer in Richmond, VA from the law office of MartinWren, P.C. to get help from a lawyer in dealing with the other driver’s insurance company and other legal issues that are involved with being a victim of a car accident.
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